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Man's Search for Meaning: Young Adult Edition

Man's Search for Meaning: Young Adult Edition
33 %

218  Kč 324 Kč

Expedice za 2 až 3 dny

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
...It seems to me that [the book] could be particularly resonant among adolescents struggling with issues of meaning and purpose in their lives, especially at a time when different forms of bullying (including cyber-bullying) are all too prevalent in schools, and hate speech and hate crimes targeting any number of groups are on the uptick...With this new YA edition, making Frankl's work available to younger audience, [these] lessons become part of the legacy from one generation to another. We're never too old-or too young-to learn, not just the importance of meaning, but the meaning of tolerance and meaningfulness. -Psychotherapy Networker This introduction will encourage young readers not only to read Man's Search for Meaning, but to pursue subjects of interest and keep memories alive. -Association of Jewish Libraries Frankl still has much to teach the world. -Meghan Cox Gurdon, Wall Street Journal Man's Search for Meaning is a book to read, to cherish, to debate, and one that will ultimately keep the memories of the victims alive. -John Boyne, from the Foreword An enduring work of survival literature. -New York Times One of the ten most influential books in America. -Library of Congress
Nakladatel: Penguin US
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 200
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