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Life on Mars

Life on Mars
24 %

338  Kč 444 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Praise for Life on Mars We are made hopeful by fresh questions and mysteries about our ultimately unknowable and inexhaustibly interesting universe . . . [The book] invites us to be fearless with our faults and bold in our explorations, and to remember that wonder is never withdrawn. - New York Times Book Review Delightful deadpan humor. - San Francisco Chronicle Jon Agee excels at creating picture books with unusual settings and characters . . . For young readers, this book serves as a great introduction to the kinds of books where the reader knows more information than the main character does. - The Huffington Post Bursting with quiet wit and gorgeous Martian vistas. Simply masterful. - Kirkus , starred review The humor continues through the very last page. Agee, with his unique and winning view of the world, never talks down to children and always asks readers to slow down and enjoy his take on what they might not otherwise see. - Horn Book , starred view Sure to be a hit with beginning readers and storytime audiences alike. - School Library Journal , starred review Satisfying silliness from start to finish, with a gotcha ending that will prompt requests for repeat readings.- Publishers Weekly Target[s] the preschool humor level with canny accuracy. Streamlined compositions shaggily outlined in deep charcoal make this ideal for group sharing-and no doubt plenty of shouted interaction. - BCCB There's plenty of humor in the contrast between Agee's text and pictures, and that skittish martian is a hoot all on its own. Little ones who lost it over Jon Klassen's I Want My Hat Back will likely appreciate Agee's guileless astronaut. - Booklist The words tell one story and the pictures another in this charming tale from master picture book creator Jon Agee...Out of this world. - BookPage
Nakladatel: Penguin US
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 32
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