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Reflections on Power Prediction Modeling of Conventional High Speed Craft

Reflections on Power Prediction Modeling of Conventional High Speed Craft
5 %

1444  Kč 1 517 Kč

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1 Introduction.- 1.1 Objectives.- 1.2 Conventional High-Speed Craft (HSC).- 1.3 Resistance, Propulsion, and Power Prediction.- 1.4 Common Mistakes.- 1.5 Excluded Topics.- References.- 2 Mathematical Modeling.- 2.1 Statistical Modeling.- 2.2 Model Extraction Tools.- 2.3 Hardware.- 2.4 Conclusions on Mathematical Modeling.- References.- 3 Resistance And Dynamic Trim Predictions.- 3.1 An Overview of Early Resistance Prediction Mathematical Models.- 3.2 Types of Mathematical Models for Resistance Prediction.- 3.3 Systematic Series Applicable to Conventional High-Speed Craft.- 3.4 Mathematical Modeling of Resistance and Dynamic Trim for High-Speed Craft.- 3.5 Future Work - Stepped Hulls.- 3.6 Mathematical Model Use.- 3.7 Recommended Mathematical Models for Resistance and Dynamic Trim Prediction.- References.- 4 Propeller's Open-Water Efficiency Prediction.- 4.1 An Overview of Modeling Propeller's Hydrodynamic Characteristics.- 4.2 Mathematical Modeling of KT, KQ, and O of High-Speed Propellers.- 4.3 Loading Criteria for High-Speed Propellers.- 4.4 Recommended Mathematical Models for High-Speed Propellers.- References.- 5 Additional Resistance Components And Propulsive Coefficients.- 5.1 Evaluation of In-Service Power Performance.- 5.2 Resistance Components - Calm and Deep Water.- 5.3 Resistance in a Seaway.- 5.4 Resistance in Shallow Water.- 5.5 Propulsive Coefficients.- 5.6 Recommended References for Evaluation of Additional Resistance Components and Propulsive Coefficients.- References.- 6 Power Prediction.- 6.1 Power and Performance Predictions for High-Speed Craft.- 6.2 Classics.- 6.3 Modernism.- 6.4 Another Perspective.- References.- 7 Concluding Remarks.- References.
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 116
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