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Mechanics of Additive and Advanced Manufacturing, Volume 8

Mechanics of Additive and Advanced Manufacturing, Volume 8
7 %

5965  Kč 6 399 Kč

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Chapter1: Structure/Property Behavior of Additively Manufactured (AM) Materials: Opportunities & Challenges.- Chapter2: Fatigue Characterization of 3D-printed Maraging Steel by Infrared Thermography.- Chapter3: Quasi-Static and Dynamic Fracture of Additively Printed ABS Studied using DIC: Role of Build Architecture and Loading Rate.- Chapter4: Compression and Shear Response of 3D Printed Foam Pads.- Chapter5: Mechanical Structure-Property Relationships for 2D Polymers Comprised of Nodes and Bridge Units.- Chapter6: Mechanical Behavior of Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Following a New Heat Treatment.- Chapter7: Dynamic Thermal Softening Behavior of Additive Materials for Hybrid Manufacturing.- Chapter8: Correlation between Process Parameters and Mechanical Properties in Parts Printed By the Fused Deposition Modeling Process.- Chapter9: Mechanical Characterization of Cellulose Nanofibril Materials made by Additive Manufacturing.- Chapter10: Shock Propagation and Deformation of Additively-Manufactured Polymer Foams with Engineered Porosity.- Chapter11: Mechanical Characterization of Fused Filament Fabrication Polyvinylidene Fluoride Printed (PVDF) Composites.- Chapter12: Influence of an Extreme Environment on the Tensile Mechanical Properties of a 3D Printed Thermoplastic Polymer.- Chapter13: A Framework for Estimating of Mold Performance Using Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Injection Mold Tooling Prototypes.- Chapter14: Effect of Processing Parameters on Interlayer Fracture Toughness of Fused Filament Fabrication Thermoplastic Materials.- Chapter15: Forced-Response Verification of Unique Additive Manufactured Vibration Suppressed Specimens.- Chapter16: Computational and Experimental Characterization of 3D Printed Components by Fused Deposition Modeling.- Chapter17: Linking Thermal History to Mechanical Behavior in Directed Energy Deposited Materials.
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 110
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