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Causality and Development

Causality and Development
11 %

3130  Kč 3 520 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Introducing Laterality.- Developmental Laterality Research: Infancy .- Developmental Laterality Research: Childhood.- Other Human Laterality Research.- Multifactorial Causality in Laterality. Animal Laterality Research.- Standard Laterality Models.- New Laterality Models.- Stage and Sub-Stage Models.- Neo-Stages and Networks.- Introducing the 25-Step Neo-Eriksonian Model.- The Reflex-Based Sub-Stages: Non-Participatory Reflexive Socio-Emotions.- The Sensori-motor-Based Sub-Stages: Pre-Participatory Socio-Affects.- The Peri-Operational-Based Sub-Stages: Peri-Participatory Social Cognition.- The Abstract (Formal Operational) Sub-Stages: Hyper-Participatory Social Mutuality, Sub-Stages 1 - 3.- The Abstract (Formal Operational) Sub-Stages: Hyper-Participatory Social Mutuality, Sub-Stages 4 - 5.- The Post-Formal/Collective Intelligence (Super-ordinate Abstract) Sub-Stages: Super-Ordinate Participatory Collective Sociality.
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2019
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
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