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One Year Wiser: The Gratitude Journal

One Year Wiser: The Gratitude Journal
19 %

306  Kč 378 Kč

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A beautiful new gratitude journal from the creator of One Year Wiser As we reflect on the past and make plans for the future, it is easy to overlook the richness and variety of the here and now. One Year Wiser: A Gratitude Journal helps us keep a lasting record of the small moments that bring joy to our lives, be it a cool breeze on a summer's day or the heart-warming sound of laughter. Filled with uplifting quotes, guidance and drawings to colour in, this keepsake journal will accompany you through a year of living gratefully. By recording and revisiting the beautiful details of your everyday experiences, you'll develop a more positive, calm and confident approach to life.
Nakladatel: SelfMadeHero
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 240
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