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This is a Good Guide - for a Sustainable Lifestyle

This is a Good Guide - for a Sustainable Lifestyle
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605  Kč 760 Kč

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This is a good guide for a sustainable lifestyle. It's as simple as that. Would you like to live more sustainably, but without putting a lot of time, effort or money into it? Then this is your book. It's filled with practical and positive tips on fashion, beauty, food, home, work, travel and leisure, and shows that stylish and sustainable go very well together. In particular, it demonstrates that it is about being good, not perfect: about smart choices, doing what you can and what suits you. With this modern handbook, sustainable fashion and lifestyle expert Marieke Eyskoot makes green living fun and doable. The right addresses, beautiful labels, great places, surprising facts and handy solutions - exactly what you need. Because doing good and feeling good at the same time: this is what everyone is looking for.
Nakladatel: BIS Publishers
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 280
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