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The Big Human Body Activity Book : Mazes, Spot the Difference, Search and Find, Where\'s the Pair, Counting and other Fun Human Body Puzzles to Complete

The Big Human Body Activity Book : Mazes, Spot the Difference, Search and Find, Where\'s the Pair, Counting and other Fun Human Body Puzzles to Complete
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Part of Buster\'s brand-new \'Big Activity Book\' series and packed with 70 puzzles and games, The Big Human Body Activity Book is bursting with fun and fact-filled activities for inquisitive kids.\n\nThis innovative activity book includes brain-training memory games, intestine mazes, spot-the-difference searches, odd-one-out puzzles and so much more. Each puzzle explores a different part of the body and includes lots of fun facts to discover along the way. Children can find out about everything from where to find the smallest bone in the body to when you are most likely to need a poo.\n\nOther books in the series:\n9781780556093 The Big Green Activity Book\n9781780556314 The Big Animal Activity Book
Nakladatel: Michael O'Mara Books
ISBN: 9781780556321
Rok vydání: 2020
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: brožovaná/paperback
Počet stran: 128