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Bright, Precious Days

Bright, Precious Days
40 %

300  Kč 499 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
An art form of sustained intimacy. . . . A portrait of a marriage in full. - The New York Times Book Review Our modern-day Fitzgerald. - Vanity Fair Irresistible. - San Francisco Chronicle Quietly affecting. . . . Mellow, earnest, almost elegiac. - The New Yorker McInerney is the writer who is funniest and most precise about the view from New York City. - Harper's McInerney delivers encounters and relationships, at times hilarious and exhilarating or excruciating between and among those individuals who are compelled to live nowhere else but on that tiny sliver of granite-Manhattan. Non-residents worldwide will enjoy the fates of these metropolitan dancers who wriggle, pop, squirm and sizzle under the searing red ray of McInerney's magnifying glass. -Dan Aykroyd In this powerful portrait of a marriage and a city in the shadow of the looming subprime mortgage crisis, McInerney observes the passage of life's seasons with aching and indelible clarity. - Booklist
Nakladatel: Bantam Books
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 416
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