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Dinner at the Center of the Earth

Dinner at the Center of the Earth
24 %

359  Kč 471 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Nathan Englander's latest is, as usual, superb: a work of psychological precision and moral force, with an immediacy that captures both timeless human truth as well as the perplexities of the present day. -Colson Whitehead Equal parts political thriller and tender lamentation, the latest from Englander explores, in swirling, nonlinear fashion, Israeli-Palestinian tensions and moral conflicts... Ultimately, Englander suggests that shared humanity and fleeting moments of kindness between jailer and prisoner, spy and counterspy, hold the potential for hope, even peace. - Booklist Appealing... Clever, fragmented, pithy... Englander is a wise observer with an empathetic heart. - Publishers Weekly Praise for Nathan Englander In Englander's hands, storytelling is a transformative act. Put him alongside Singer, Carver, and Munro. Englander is, quite simply, one of the very best we have. -Colum McCann Englander tells the tangled truth of life in prose that, as ever, surprises the reader with its gnarled beauty. -Michael Chabon Nathan Englander's fiction [is] always animated by a deep, vibrant core of historical resonance. -Jennifer Egan The depth of Englander's feeling is the thing that separates him from just about everyone. You can hear his heart thumping feverishly on every page. -Dave Eggers Nathan Englander is one of those rare writers who, like Faulkner, manages to make his seemingly obsessive, insular concerns all the more universal for their specificity. -Richard Russo
Nakladatel: Bantam Books
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 272
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