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Other People's Houses

Other People's Houses
24 %

315  Kč 413 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Praise for Other People's Houses We absolutely adored Abbi Waxman's The Garden of Small Beginnings. And if it's possible, we're even more in love with her much-anticipated follow-up, Other People's Houses. April's book club pick is set in stone.-Hello Giggles Praise for The Garden of Small Beginnings As seen in Elle.com, The Washington Post, Woman's World, Flavorwire, HelloGiggles, Bustle, Brit & Co, and more! Filled with characters you'll love and wish you lived next door to in real life.-Bustle Brilliant...Quirky yet very real characters sparkle on every page.-Karen White, New York Times bestselling author A quirky, funny, and deeply thoughtful bookl.-HelloGiggles A summer beach read with meat.-The Washington Post This is my favorite kind of book-hilarious, sad, joyful. Beautifully written. Fun. I dare you not to enjoy it.-Julia Claiborne Johnson, author of Be Frank With Me A beautiful book full of humor, heart, and deep insight...Abbi Waxman's quick wit and heart shine brightly throughout this debut novel. I just loved it!-Molly Shannon, actress Funny and poignant. Guaranteed to make you laugh and cry. May make you want to play in dirt and grow a new life of your own.-Wendy Wax, USA Today bestselling author of One Good Thing Full of wry humor and a cleareyed view of how life keeps offering good things...This debut begs for an encore from Waxman.-Kirkus Reviews (starred review) Waxman takes readers from tears to laughter in this depiction of one woman's attempt to hold it all together for everyone else only to learn it's OK to put herself first.-Booklist [Waxman's] narrative and dialog are drenched with spring showers of witty and irreverent humor.-Library Journal (starred review)
Nakladatel: Penguin US
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 352
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