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Osobní odběr Čtvrtek 06.06
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32 %

438  Kč 641 Kč

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One of the Lady Magazine 's Must-reads for 2017 (UK) In this zeitgeisty debut, Olivia Sudjic has revealed herself to be an erudite writer who can weave together themes of online obsessions, family secrets and unexpected parallel lives...Filled with explosive intelligence and dark humour, Sympathy is both beautiful and raw, and captures the essence of personal responsibility in the digital age.- ELLE (UK) Sympathy by Olivia Sudjic [is] the best fictional account I've read of the way the internet has shaped our inner lives. A literary thriller that confirms the arrival of a major new talent. - THE GUARDIAN The reason to read this novel, aside from the au courant topic, is the luscious, absorbing writing. -LIBRARY JOURNAL In this unbelievably accomplished first novel, Olivia Sudjic creates a narrator whose compelling voice is timeless, even as her obsessions and the tools she uses to satisfy them are up-to-the-minute modern. At once a riveting mystery and a literary tour de force, Sympathy had me spellbound from the first page to the last. -Emily Gould, author of Friendship Getting to know someone has always been a thorny affair. With the addition of personal devices, the line between bonding and surveillance has become freakishly blurred. Sympathy is a mind-bending novel that skillfully depicts the bizarre interplay of technology and intimacy with a story that is compassionate, funny, and incredibly alarming.- Claire-Louise Bennett, author of Pond Olivia Sudjic elegantly explores the warped world of intimacies formed online-and how quickly those intimacies derail. Global in scope, as subtle as it is suspenseful, Sympathy is an extraordinary debut. -Idra Novey, author of Ways to Disappear
Nakladatel: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 416
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