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The Member of the Wedding

The Member of the Wedding

319  Kč 321 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
The novel that became an award-winning play and a major motion picture and that has charmed generations of readers, Carson McCullerss classic The Member of the Wedding is now available in small- format trade paperback for the rst time. Here is the story of the inimitable twelve-year-old Frankie, who is utterly, hopelessly bored with life until she hears about her older brothers wedding. Bolstered by lively conversations with her house servant, Berenice, and her six-year-old male cousin not to mention her own unbridled imagination Frankie takes on an overly active role in the wedding, hoping even to go, uninvited, on the honeymoon, so deep is her desire to be the member of something larger, more accepting than herself. A marvelous study of the agony of adolescence (Detroit Free Press), The Member of the Wedding showcases Carson McCullers at her most sensitive, astute, and lasting best.
Nakladatel: HMH Books
ISBN: 9780618492398
Rok vydání: 2004
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback
Počet stran: 176
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