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You're In My Heart: Rod Steward With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

You're In My Heart: Rod Steward With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
24 %

377  Kč 499 Kč

Expedice za 2 až 3 dny

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Nová kompilace představuje výběr největších hitů Roda Stewarta s orchestrálními aranžemi.
V rozšířené variantě na 2CD mimo jiné najdete duet s Robbie Williamsem nebo zbrusu novou skladbu Stop Loving Her Today. Obsah produktu:
1. Maggie May (with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) [05:47]
2. Reason To Believe (with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) [03:54]
3. Handbags and Gladrags (with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) [04:09]
4. Sailing (with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) [05:27]
5. Tonight's The Night (Gonna Be Alright) [with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra] [04:12]
6. The Killing Of Georgie, Pts. I & II (with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra)[06:17]
7. I Don't Want To Talk About It (with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) [05:41]
8. The First Cut Is The Deepest (with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) [04:41]
9. You're In My Heart (The Final Acclaim) [with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra] [04:38]
10. I Was Only Joking (with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) [06:26]

1. It Takes Two (with Robbie Williams) [04:21]
2. Stay With Me (with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) [04:41]
3. Young Turks (with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) [04:57]
4. What Am I Gonna Do (I'm So In Love With You) [with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra] [04:38]
5. Every Beat Of My Heart (with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) [05:23]
6. Forever Young (with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) [04:54]
7. Downtown Train (with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) [05:03]
8. Rhythm of My Heart (with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) [04:17]
9. Have I Told You Lately (with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) [04:05]
10. Tom Traubert's Blues (Waltzing Matilda) [with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra] [06:31]
11. If We Fall In Love Tonight (with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) [05:04]
12. Stop Loving Her Today (with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) [04:10]
Nakladatel: Warner Music
ISBN: 603497849659
Rok vydání: CZE
Jazyk : Čeština
Vazba: CZE
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