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Unearthly Things

Unearthly Things
27 %

243  Kč 334 Kč

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After losing her parents in a tragic accident, surfer girl Janie Mason is forced to trade the sunny beaches of Hawaii for the cold fog of San Francisco. She's never even met her new guardians, the Rochesters - an old money family who relish being pillars of high society. Janie feels hopelessly out of place in their world. Nicholas is the only Rochester who treats her with anything resembling kindness - but he's only six. When she strikes up a friendship with Daniel, a fellow surfer, it feels like things might finally be improving. But something isn't right in the Rochester mansion...
Nakladatel: Soho Teen
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 288