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70 Years Porsche Sportscars

70 Years Porsche Sportscars
21 %

807  Kč 1 018 Kč

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70 YEARS OF PORSCHE SPORTS CARS Ferry Porsche reinvents the sports car in 1948. The first car to bear the Porsche name is made in the Austrian town of Gmünd. Just 15 years later Porsche presents the 911 - the brand's iconic car. Many individuals play major roles in the history of the sports car maker: designer F. A. Porsche, engine developer Ernst Fuhrmann, CEO Wendelin Wiedeking, and legendary racing driver Walter Röhrl. Cult figures like Steve McQueen, James Dean, Patrick Dempsey, and Herbert von Karajan also drive Porsches, and become synonymous with the brand. 70 Years of Porsche Sports Cars - a book like the brand: intoxicating, beautiful, intelligent. Porsche Klassik magazine
Nakladatel: Delius Klasing
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 300
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