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Longman Thesaurus of American English paper&Online (K-12)

Longman Thesaurus of American English paper&Online (K-12)
15 %

436  Kč 511 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Increase your vocabulary - from 2,000 key words to 12,000 synonyms * More than 12,000 words, including academic and topic words * More than 17,000 examples sentences explain words in context * Clear definitions written using only 2000 common words * Words from the Academic Word List labelled * Color photos help differentiate the meaning of related words such as empty, vacant, and hollow Improve your writing * Synonym Check boxes explain the difference between words such as childish and childlike * Grammar notes explain how to use words correctly * Integrated Academic Writing Guide with model essays provides guidance on different genres such as expository writing, persuasive writing, reports, and creative writing Interactive practice online: Thesaurus Study Center at www.longmandictionariesUSA.com * Longman Thesaurus of American English online for quick access * Pronunciation of all the words * Study Center with extensive practice to learn synonyms, academic words, and topic vocabulary
Nakladatel: Pearson Longman
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback
Počet stran: 944
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