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In Relation to Relationships

In Relation to Relationships
18 %

209  Kč 256 Kč

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The present research takes an in-depth look at the lives of young people with traumatic personal experiences and describes the efforts to help them in intensive individual educational programmes at home and abroad- How can intensive 1:1 social education support young people to lead an autonomous and self-determined life that is acceptable to both them and society at large?- What do the various stakeholders say about the collaboration process of creating support plans and which effects do the plans have on the young people and their families?- Which conclusions can be drawn from those answers to improve the quality of work in the intensive social education sector?These questions are at the core of this longitudinal study which looks at the cases of 7 young people and presents its results as questions for further research.This English translation is part of a more comprehensive German study.

Nakladatel: Books on Demand
ISBN: 3738608591
Rok vydání: 2015
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: brožovaná/paperback
Počet stran: 224
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