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2019 Desktop Rally Calendar

2019 Desktop Rally Calendar
26 %

189  Kč 257 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Do you prefer a Lancia 037 or a Ford Fiesta WRC, an Audi Quattro or Toyota Yaris WRC, an Opel Ascona or a Citroën C3 WRC? With the 2019 Desktop Rally Calendar - History meets the Present you are spoilt for choice. Every two weeks, you can select either an archive picture from McKlein's gigantic collection or an image from the current WRC season. But the compact desk calendar, which comes with a spiral binding, does not just comprise a mix of the old action with the new, it also shows a variety of images including action, technical and atmospheric shots.
Nakladatel: Klein (Reinhard), Köln
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : ENG-GER
Vazba: Calendar
Počet stran: 56
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