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Rally History 2019

Rally History 2019
28 %

743  Kč 1 032 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
For the third year running, McKlein presents a wall calendar dedicated exclusively to the history of rallying. Thanks to twenty-five partly yet unseen, partly well-known colour images, Rally History 2019 offers a varied journey through the decades. McKlein's photographers take you back to the times of Group 2 Saabs, Group 4 Escorts, Group B Quattros and Group A Subarus and show you the diversity of rallying in a size and quality never seen before. Just like all the other McKlein wall calendars, Rally History offers you the choice between two very different images each month. These pictures give you an insight into the Lancia workshop in Turin and the dense jungle of the Ivory Coast as well as transporting the viewer to the snow-covered Col de Turini or to the popular Fafe jump.
Nakladatel: Klein (Reinhard), Köln
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : ENG-GER
Vazba: Calendar
Počet stran: 26
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