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McKlein Rally 2019 - The Wider View

McKlein Rally 2019 - The Wider View
28 %

743  Kč 1 032 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
The stage is set for the breath-taking World Rally Cars from Citroën, Ford, Hyundai and Toyota: The calendar McKlein Rally 2019 - The Wider View rolls out the red carpet for the fastest rally cars ever taking part in the world's most spectacular motorsport discipline. It shows the twenty-five best McKlein pictures from the year's rallying in a 95-centimetre wide panoramic format. For each month of the year, this official wall calendar of the 2019 FIA World Rally Championship offers a choice between two very different pictures showing the world's best rally drivers fighting their way through show-covered mountain passes, water crossings, thick dust and over winding tarmac roads. McKlein's famous photographers show the entire spectrum of the WRC and provide exclusive insights into their camera settings and the selection of photo points.
Nakladatel: Klein (Reinhard), Köln
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : ENG-GER
Vazba: Calendar
Počet stran: 25
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