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Osobní odběr Čtvrtek 20.06
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Top Notch: Student Book Level 3 : English for Today´s World

Top Notch: Student Book Level 3 : English for Today´s World
15 %

1334  Kč 1 571 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Top Notch, a dynamic 6-level course for international communication, sets a new standard, using the natural language that people really speak. With a rock-solid learner-centered approach, Top Notch provides students an opportunity to confirm their own progress at the end of every easy-to-teach two-page lesson. Features of Top Notch 3 * Essential model conversations that make key social language unforgettable and easy to personalize * Intensive vocabulary development with active recycling * Complete grammar support--extended by a bound-in Grammar Booster *Top Notch Interactions--unique step-by-step discussion builders that guarantee success for all learners * Thorough attention to pronunciation * A wide array of learning strategies and activities that promote critical thinking * Authentic and refreshing content that connects students to the real world
Nakladatel: Pearson Longman
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback
Počet stran: 130
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