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Consider the Issues: Listening and Critical Thinking Skills

Consider the Issues: Listening and Critical Thinking Skills
15 %

692  Kč 814 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
An exciting, proven approach to listening comprehension and discussion, based on authentic radio broadcasts from NPR's All Things Considered, Weekend Edition, and Morning Edition. Students are presented with interesting, relevant content in unedited everyday speech including hesitations, redundancies, and various dialectical patterns. The series: *Develops essential listening strategies, including predicting, looking at language, understanding main ideas and points of view, focusing on details, and note-taking. *Fosters critical thinking skills through follow-up activities that include discussion, debate, values clarification, and writing assignments. *Integrates language and concepts through sophisticated grammar and vocabulary activities. Audio programs comprising original radio broadcasts are available for each book. Consider the Issues Features: * Twelve thought-provoking units -- six new to this edition -- emphasize critical thinking activities such as discussion, debate, and values clarification. * New topics include cell phone courtesy, globalization, medicine as business, philanthropy, how technology is blurring boundaries between home and work, and the influence of media on young adults. * New pronunciation strand provides practice with native English sound patterns. * Inferencing questions encourage students to find implied meanings. Audio Sample Listen to a sample from the audio CDs: From Unit 1: A Courtesy Campaign (4:55) See also: Raise the Issues, Third Edition Face the Issues, Third Edition
Nakladatel: Pearson Longman
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback
Počet stran: 174
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