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Finding the Peacemakers

Finding the Peacemakers
14 %

408  Kč 472 Kč

Odesíláme do 1 až 2 týdnů

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih

Debut travel writer Dan Morrice shares his journey across the world to meet people of faith who are forging peace in severe environments. He meets miners in Chile, Syrian refugees in Europe, and Palestinian Christians in the Middle East. This is a book for those who enjoy the activism of Greta Thunberg and the spiritual curiosity of Russell Brand.

Nakladatel: Hodder & Stoughton
ISBN: 9781529358186
Rok vydání: 2021
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Měkká
Počet stran: 320
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