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London dances to the tune of Gorsky’s billions.The most enigmatic of oligarchs, Gorsky desires and gets the best of everything and now he has his sights set on Natalia. That she is already married is an inconvenient detail. Nick works in a shabby-chic bookshop. When Gorsky approaches him with the commission of a lifetime, Nick suddenly gains access to the world of the wealthy and the beautiful. But this privilege comes at a price and Nick finds his new life suddenly fraught with danger... Vesna Goldsworthy was born in Belgrade in 1961 and has lived in London since 1986. She writes in English, her third language. She has authored three widely translated books: a memoir, Chernobyl Strawberries; Inventing Ruritania, on the shaping of cultural perceptions of the Balkans; and the Crashaw Prize–winning poetry collection, The Angel of Salonika. Gorsky is her first novel
Nakladatel: Random/Vintage
ISBN: 978-1-78470-070-6
Rok vydání: 2016
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback
Počet stran: 278
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