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Invisible Woman (film)

Invisible Woman (film)
19 %

292  Kč 359 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
The Invisible Woman by Claire Tomalin is the acclaimed story of Nelly Ternan and Charles Dickens. It is the winner of the NCR Book Award, the Hawthornden Prize and the James Tait Black Memorial Prize. 'This is the story of someone who - almost - wasn't there; who vanished into thin air. Her names, dates, family and experiences very nearly disappeared from the record for good...' Claire Tomalin's multi-award-winning story of the life of Nelly Ternan and Charles Dickens is a remarkable work of biography and historical revisionism that returns the neglected actress to her rightful place in history as well as providing a compelling and truthful portrait of the great Victorian novelist. For those who enjoyed Samuel Pepys: The Unequalled Self and Charles Dickens: A Life; The Invisible Woman is invaluable reading for lovers of Charles Dickens, and for readers of biography everywhere. Will come to be seen as one of the crucial women's biographies because of its vivid dramatization of the process by which women have been written out of history and have been forced to deny their own experiences
Nakladatel: Penguin Books Ltd
ISBN: 978-0-241-96941-0
Jazyk : Čeština
Vazba: Paperback
Počet stran: 360
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