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The Iron King 3: The Poisoned Crown

The Iron King 3: The Poisoned Crown
25 %

253  Kč 339 Kč

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'This was the original game of thrones' George R.R. Martin No man is impervious to the poisons of the crown...Having murdered his wife and exiled his mistress, King Louis X of France becomes besotted with Princess Clemence of Hungary and makes her his new Queen. However, though the matter of the succession should be assured, it is far from so, as Louis embarks on an ill-fated war against Flanders. Where his father, Philip IV, was strong, Louis is weak, and the ambitions of his proud, profligate barons threaten his power and the future of a kingdom once ruled by an Iron King.
Nakladatel: HarperCollins Publishers
ISBN: 978-0-00-749129-2
Rok vydání: 2014
Jazyk : Čeština
Vazba: Paperback
Počet stran: 294
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