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Even Dogs in the Wild - The New John Rebus

Even Dogs in the Wild - The New John Rebus
19 %

405  Kč 499 Kč

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Hands in his pockets, Rebus turned to face Cafferty. They were old men now, similar builds, similar backgrounds. Sat together in a pub, the casual onlooker might mistake them for pals who'd known one another since school. But their history told a different story. Retirement doesn't suit John Rebus. He wasn't made for hobbies, holidays or home improvements. Being a cop is in his blood. So when DI Siobhan Clarke asks for his help on a case, Rebus doesn't need long to consider his options. Clarke's been investigating the death of a senior lawyer whose body was found along with a threatening note. On the other side of Edinburgh, Big Ger Cafferty - Rebus's long-time nemesis - has received an identical note and a bullet through his window. Now it's up to Clarke and Rebus to connect the dots and stop a killer. Meanwhile, DI Malcolm Fox joins forces with a covert team from Glasgow who are tailing a notorious crime family. There's something they want, and they'll stop at nothing to get it. It's a game of dog eat dog - in the city, as in the wild. EVEN DOGS IN THE WILD brings back Ian Rankin's greatest characters in a story exploring the darkest corners of our instincts and desires.
Nakladatel: Orion
ISBN: 978-1-4091-5937-7
Rok vydání: 2015
Jazyk : Čeština
Vazba: Paperback
Počet stran: 345
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