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The Sound of Paint Drying

The Sound of Paint Drying
18 %

196  Kč 239 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
John describes the book thus: a collection of poems, sketches, songs, stories, and diary entries which date back to my days in a Luton bungalow. More recently documented are my travels to Australia, Cyprus, Columbia, Thailand, and France. The French trip, which was recorded for BBC Radio 4, was stimulated by a painting of old Nice made by my father in 1931. It was my self-appointed task to find the scene and paint my own version. The travels are littered with ordinary things painted large: potatoes, facecloths, blancmange, throat sweets, and litter.
Nakladatel: Methuen Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-413-73180-7
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback
Počet stran: 102
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