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Don t Panic, I m Islamic: How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Alien Next Door

Don t Panic, I m Islamic: How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Alien Next Door
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How can you tell if your neighbour is speaking Muslim? Is a mosque a kind of hedgehog? Can I get fries with that burka? You can't trust the media any longer, but there's no need to fret: Don't Panic, I'm Islamic: Words and Pictures on How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Alien Next Door provides you with the answers. Read this book to learn how you too can spot an elusive Islamist. Discover how Arabs (even 21-year-old, largely innocuous and totally adorable ones) plant bombs and get tips about how to interact with Homeland Security, which may or may not involve funny discussions about your sexuality. Commissioned in response to the US travel ban, Don't Panic, I'm Islamic includes cartoons, graffiti, photography, colouring in pages, memoir, short stories and more by 34 contributors from around the world. Provocative and at times laugh-out-loud funny, these subversive pieces are an explosion of expression, creativity and colour.
Nakladatel: Nelson Parker
ISBN: 978-0-86356-999-9
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback
Počet stran: 182
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