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English for Life Pre-intermediate Flashcards

English for Life Pre-intermediate Flashcards

412  Kč 422 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
One page. One lesson. One focus. Everything you look for in an English course, made simple. Key features Perfectly simple: each lesson is just one page, needing no teaching preparation - simply 'pick up and teach'. Distinct language points in short chunks: 80 lessons cover either vocabulary, grammar, skills, or functional language, each with an interactive catch-up lesson on the MultiROM. Visual presentation: dialogues, stories, and picture-dictionary style vocabulary makes new language easy to understand and remember. 'Real life' focus: 'English for Everyday Life' lessons, 'English in the World cultural feature, and a 'Your life' personalization opportunity in every lesson. 'That's life' story: regular episodes provide language review in a real life context. Everything in one place for the teacher: an interleaved Teacher's Book with facing-page lesson guide, an extra photocopiable activity per lesson, plus a customizable test CD.
Nakladatel: Oxford University Press
Rok vydání: 2011
Jazyk : Čeština
Vazba: Karty
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