Termín obdržení zásilky
Česká pošta Čtvrtek 06.06
PPL Čtvrtek 06.06
Osobní odběr Pátek 07.06
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Project Explore 2 Class Audio CDs /2/

Project Explore 2 Class Audio CDs /2/

638  Kč 655 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Project Explore is a five-level course which combines the tried and trusted Project methodology and structure with 100% brand-new content from a new author team. Take a look inside and you'll find clearly structured, vibrant lessons with exciting new characters and stories! Be ready for each lesson with your full course audio CDs, containing your class listening resources.
Nakladatel: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780194255615
Rok vydání: CZE
Jazyk : Čeština
Vazba: CZE
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