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Oxford Bookw 4 History of Eng Lang+Mp3Pk

Oxford Bookw 4 History of Eng Lang+Mp3Pk

231  Kč 235 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Published 2016. Intermediate to Upper Intermediate CEF B1/B2 - 1400 Headwords Oxford Bookworms enjoy a world-wide reputation for high-quality storytelling and a great reading experience. Research shows reading a lot improves all your language skills. Experts recognize Oxford Bookworms as the most consistent series in terms of language control, length, and quality of story - very important for fluent reading and extensive reading. There's a wide choice of titles too - something for everyone. About a quarter of the people in the world today speak or use English. In homes and schools, offices and meeting rooms, ships and airports, people are speaking English... How has this happened? How did English begin, and what will become of it? The history of English is a journey through space and time, from thousands of years ago to today and beyond, and to all parts of the world. Come on that journey and meet the monks and soldiers, the kings and scientists, the printers, poets, and travelers who have helped to make the English of today.
Nakladatel: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780194638036
Rok vydání: CZE
Jazyk : Čeština
Vazba: CZE
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