Termín obdržení zásilky
Česká pošta Středa 05.06
PPL Středa 05.06
Osobní odběr Čtvrtek 06.06
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ITIL Practitioner 2 daysThis new 2016 ITIL Practitioner qualification takes an entirely new approach to service management education and training.It focuses on the HOW to make service management happen rather than the detail of WHAT service management processes do. The course offers practical guidance on how to adopt and adapt the ITIL framework to support your organisations business objectives. As such it is the missing link in the ITIL qualification portfolio.The course addresses the practical issues of gaining management support, bringing about the cultural change and ensuring that best practice adds real and measurable
Nakladatel: Van Haren Publishing
ISBN: 9789401801560
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback
Počet stran: 292
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