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Paracord Fusion Ties - Volume 2

5 %

727  Kč 767 Kč

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Paracord Fusion Ties - Volume 2 (PFT-V2) is the second installment in the paracord fusion ties book series and another stunning achievement by author J.D. Lenzen. Like Paracord Fusion Ties - Volume 1, PFT-V2 reveals innovative and stylish ways of storing paracord for later use. So once again you'll find crisp, clear, full-color photographs (over 1,000 in all!), coupled with succinctly written, easy to follow step-by-step instructions for bracelets, straps, and key fobs, as well as medallions and other storage ties that will keep your paracord on-hand and ready for deployment. Still PFT-V2 doesn't stop there! It also provides directions and techniques that represent the next level in paracording knowledge-the making of practical paracord objects. Primarily designed to provide survival and tactical advantages, practical paracord objects are in themselves useful. Providing benefits to those who tie them, in real time; as opposed to when they're unraveled and the cord within them used.
Nakladatel: 4th Level Indie
ISBN: 9780985557836
Rok vydání: 2013
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback
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