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1819  Kč 2 510 Kč

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Considered by many as the countrys most dynamic, fastestgrowing and sexiest city, Miami is more popular than ever before. Yet, it is a city that doesnt merely change, but evolves, never rewriting the past, just adding to its illustrious heritage. And this is the real beauty of Miami. The chic Surf Club and the vibrant Faena Hotel did not replace the emblematic Raleigh of the 1940s nor the Ritz Carlton of the 50s rather, they complement them. Arts and culture entice the global cultural elite to experience art at The Bass, along the streets of Wynwood Walls, and each December, at Art Basel Miami.

Nakladatel: Assouline
ISBN: 9781614289524
Rok vydání: 2020
Jazyk : Angličtina
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