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The Best Prague Restaurants - Guide to the perfect taste

The Best Prague Restaurants - Guide to the perfect taste
25 %

375  Kč 499 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
The first real guide to the top Prague gastronomy! In the Czech Republic, a number of prestigious restaurant charts has already emerged but each brought only an ordinary list, or anorder of selected restaurants without introducing the best spots in detail and explaining why they are the best, what types of meals they specialise in and what should the visitor taste and try. This narrative publication, The Best Prague Restaurants, comes with exactly the opposite concept. Lots of photos and detailed portraits of almost one hundred top restaurants will help the reader in the orientation. Where to go for the best traditional Czech, French, and Italian cuisine, not forgetting the cuisines of the Far East. You will also find here the information on where to try the dishes aspiring for a Michelin star. Each portrait of a restaurant represents not only the concept or philosophy of the establishment but also gives an idea of the restaurant’s atmosphere, best “signature dishes”, and skills of the chef or the wine list. At the same time, the guide recommends dishes which in the given restaurant you definitely shouldn’t miss.
Nakladatel: TopLife Czech
ISBN: 978-80-905902-1-2
Rok vydání: 2015
Počet stran: 230
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