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Meteor Boys: True Tales from UK Operators of Britain\'s First Jet Fighter - From 1944 to Date

 Meteor Boys: True Tales from UK Operators of Britain\'s First Jet Fighter - From 1944 to Date
13 %

346  Kč 400 Kč

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Meteor Boys, one of the ever-popular Boys series. As Britain\'s first jet fighter, the Gloster Meteor has had a remarkably varied and lengthy life. But whilst many books have focused on its development and service history, the time has come to hear the personal experiences of its air and ground crews.

Nakladatel: Grub Street Publishing
ISBN: 9781911621904
Rok vydání: 2020
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 224
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